The first graders to whom I’m teaching Spanish finished learning the Spanish alphabet this past Friday!! Whoo hoo! I’m so proud of them.
A while back Anna of She Is Joyful wrote a post entitled “The ABCs of Me.” I thought it was such a cute idea. So today, in honor of my awesome first graders, I’m sharing the ABCs of Kara.

Here we go…

The ABCs of Me

A- Age: 19

B- Best Day Ever: There have been plenty off awesome and memorible days after this, but the first time I vividly remember thinking “this is my favorite day ever” was one summer day when I was 15. One of my best school friends and I hung a sprinkler from a tree above my rope swing, and we turned on the water and played in the “rain.” We had a blast!

Best day ever

C- Chore you hate: Cleaning the bathroom

D- Drink of Choice: Crangrape juice or Guava

E- Easiest person to talk to: Michaela

F- Favorite Color: Pink. I also really love grey. 

G- Gent: This boy. Gotta love ’em.


H- Hobby: Currently blogging, but I also love knitting and scrap booking.

I- Ice Cream Flavor of Choice: Mint chocolate chip

J- Job: I am an after school nanny for two awesome boys. I’ve been babysitting them for two and a half years now. I’m also a Spanish teacher to kindergarten and first graders.

K- Kindest Person You Know: My friend, Kiki. She’s so sweet :)

L- Loving: Currently I’m loving all things ELEPHANT :)

M- Music: Disney music, of course. I also love worship music, mariachi, Frank Sinatra jazzy music, and songs from musicals, such as Wicked.

N- Nickname: Karaboo. Well, this hasn’t really caught on yet. But I like Karaboo better than Kara Bear-a… “Bear-a?” what is that?

O- One Wish: I’ve been wishing the same thing for the past two years. I’m not telling what that wish is though, because then it won’t come true.

P- Person You Talked To On The Phone Last: Rachel

April IG 4

Q- Question You’re Always Asked: What are you studying? Spanish Education. 

R- Reason to Smile: JESUS :)

S- Season of Choice: Summer, and October… if that counts :)

T- Time you Woke Up: 7:30

U- University: Not Hogwarts :(

V- Vacation Destination: Branson, Missouri


W- Worst Habit: Snoozing when my alarm goes off.

X- XRays: Dental, Scoliosis, and a chest xray after my car wreck

Y- Your Favorite Food: Cheesecake. Cheesecake is awesome.

Z- Zoo Animal: Elephants :)

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